
Mixture of colours in my life mostly on the brighter side..

Monday, November 06, 2006

Credit cards.. real pains

I got my first sal in this firm in fact i should say my first pay cheque (as i used to get the money transfer in my previous company he he he). This too happened becoz of two reasons primarily due to my laziness to go and open an account in the whole last month in spite of the fact that the bank person comes to the reception of my office every friday and secondarily my company policy of having only HDFC as the sal account.. What stupiditiy i already two accounts one with UTI and another with std chartered both supposed to be known as corporate accounts:D..one for sal and one for ERA. both of them becoming useless now:).. And i'm pretty lazy to go and close them.. but now i have to as i don't have any choice for they start fining me in negative..
And successfully i have given application for acc opening.. and my conversation with the Bank person..
he : Ma'am please sign here. this is for mobile alerts
I : do u charge for this..
he : No ma'am.
I signed..then he showed me another page and asked me to sign that also
He : ma'am this is for the life time free service credit card
I : i don't wanna a credit card
he: many this is a corporate credit card and we give it to all ur company employees
as though the company will pay all my credits..
I : c boss i don't need a credit card..
he: just like that u can keep it ma'am as we don't charge any service charge..
I( was really getting irritated): c.. it is against my principle to keep a credit card and so i don't want to keep it idly also and i don't like u forcing me .. what i'm going to do with so many cards... that too when i don't want it.
y people take it for granted that whatever is opted for free people will take it.. In spite of me telling all these..
he: ma'am they might still call even though u have signed (this is the limit). u answer them..
I felt like blasting at him telling y the hell should i answer someone for not wanting a credit card.. will anyone of u pay my bills to force to take a credit card..Alas but couldn't as my HR also was standing there..

Similar incident happened when i was in my previous company..
my mobile rang and i picked up..

one female : ma'am u have been choosen to avail ICICI golden credit card from a lucky draw of 5000 people.
me : i didn't apply for any credit card.
she: no ma'am u have been selected for giving the credit card
as though as i was selected for the nobel price..
me: c i don't want that
she: no ma'am u just have to send us ur pay slip and we can issue the card..
me: (she is not going to beyond the limit) can't u understand what i'm saying . y should i send u my payslip when i don't want the card, will u come and pay my bill..
MG finally she had kept the phone..

I simply can't understand y the hell do they want explainations for not getting something which they offer and y take it for granted that they can force anybody to do anything..


At 08 November, 2006 01:47, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Female: "Hi. Do you want to avail ICICI golden credit card... blah... blah..."
Me: "I already have a gold credit card from ICICI."

Learn to speak Padma! :)

At 11 November, 2006 00:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If i say I already have a CC.
He wud ask if its gold,silver..etc
if i say gold..then he will ask wht is the credit limit....
and until u say tht i dont need it sternly...they wud keep on marketing...

Murali Krishna A V

At 15 November, 2006 02:02, Blogger Padma said...


dey unakku enga erukaravanga pati thriyadu. they will say get one morenu..:). also i don't lying for these stupid reasons.


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