
Mixture of colours in my life mostly on the brighter side..

Thursday, September 14, 2006


I saw one of my collegues almost crying after getting a call from his wife that the doctor had asked her to get admitted...

I have never seen a men luving his wife or missing his wife like this in my 23 yrs life time.... or i should the atleast for the past 8 - 10 years.. since i cannot remember my childhood:)

I literally admire at the way he says that he loves his life.. she is really lucky yaar. and i believe he is also lucky to get such a wife..:)..

A man should really have the guts to tell his collegues that he luves his wife.. atleast in a male dominated society i live.. as they all will make fun of him telling that he has become his Wife's Slave ... Still this guy did that.. My hats off to him...

It is very cute to see him miss his wife and blush when her call comes....

Before 2 months he had left his wife in her maternal house for delivery and went within a week and brought her here as he was missing her very hard adn off course with Dr.'s advice..

It was very visible then that he misses his wife and we all make fun of him telling that it happens to every man. He just smiles and says " Its happening to me for the first time now:.

He seems really worried now.. I told him every women goes through this and not to worry and everything will be alright.. He told "what yaar, she is crying". I can guess the pain he is having from his voice and eyes how hard he is trying to control his tears....

I really can't see anybody crying..

I believe every woman has got some motherliness in her by default inspite of she has become a mother or not.. probably that's what make women more caring , loving ...

I am praying god that everything should be alright and his wife and baby should be safe..


At 14 September, 2006 05:48, Blogger Naren said...

every will miss their loved ones, but only some choose to publicy express it!!

At 24 September, 2006 13:41, Blogger Vanjula said...

u r very right in saying that to accept to love his wife is too be branded "wife's slave"./ great


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