
Mixture of colours in my life mostly on the brighter side..

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My daily routine nowadays...

11:00 : Enter office. Enter login time.. swipe the card.. get in..
11:05 : login and open mail box ( which i never close until i leave for the day)
11:10 : check mails ( particularly c & H from Rush otherwise send remainder to her on a regular interval till she sends)
11:20 : reply all personal mails and ignore official mails (if any)
11:21 : open orkut reply all scraps../ msgs/ approve reject friends requests
11:30 : enter into Iyengar community and follow all scraps.. while reading blogs of some people. Mean while one of my colleague reminds me of my yesterday's pending work (***@@## he always remembers my work.. and i am replying yes ---- i'm doing it ..
11:45 : see whether any work has come ..
12:00 : check whether any of my frnz are active in company chat.. mokka pottufy with them
1:00 : Lunch (ping my lunch partner and go to canteen.. our canteen frymes are good yaar)2:00 : after hard work in canteen come to seat.. check mails.. reply all personal mails..do some work. if mood is there..
3.00 : nobody is there (play yahoo games..)
4:00 : my friend has come. Chat with him..
5:00 : Client had come . chat and ask him clarification.. Successfully postpone the work to next day.. tell him will be back after a coffee..
5:30 : snacks time. go to Kapi kadai (a snack bar near my office ). have hot dog.. see eggless cake is available. ( rarely it is available yaar)
6:00 : my rakhi brother has come online.. chat with him .. also appo appo (as and when) do some official work.
8:00 : Time to leave... tell bye to all the chat windows that are open.. swipe the card. logout.. go home..

Don't be jealous of me :P


At 21 July, 2006 05:43, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.


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