
Mixture of colours in my life mostly on the brighter side..

Friday, November 10, 2006

It should not have happened to me

Things are appearing blurred.

my work is not at all progressing..

my mind doesn't seem to cooperate....

I don't know what to do

there is every possibility I'll an head ache..

my colleague was scolding me for driving the vehicle at this stage..

but what to do I can't help it..

I didn't foresee this situation before that's y I was very careless on other's advices and warnings..

he should not have done this to me.. After all I luved him so much..

I never expected this to happened to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yesterday my nephew while playing broke my specs and I'm yet to buy new specs.. Trying to work things out my straining eyes..


At 10 November, 2006 06:19, Blogger Serendipity said...

lol . hmm pretty tuff to get along with everyday stuff sans glasses:)

At 10 November, 2006 13:16, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evlo power?

At 10 November, 2006 16:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cite this as an excuse & take a day off from office :P


At 11 November, 2006 23:48, Blogger Padma said...

ya da..it has become my part and parcel of life..

kammi than -1.5 on left eye and -0.5 on right eye. but left eye's vision spoils right eye too.. so it becomes difficult to concentrate..

at the max they will ask me to go in for a spare;).. can take a day off all of a sudden:(...
and i have to finish the work next day:(. so better go to office itself..

At 03 December, 2006 04:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kammi power na...so you wouldnt have had much problem :) But, once we are used to something, it is difficult to do things without that!

At 03 December, 2006 06:39, Blogger Padma said...

he he.. aneesh what more interesting ending u wanted:P.. that i boozed out:P..

@mayura .
ama da.. adhvum enakku adhu ennoru part madhiri:D..


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