
Mixture of colours in my life mostly on the brighter side..

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Terrorism - An empathy

Mumbai July - 11 th 2006 7:30 PM

my friend (who lives in mumbai) tells me "Padma 3 serial bomb blasts in Mumbai.."
I was shocked ... searched in all the sites to get as much information as I can..
Wanted to know everybody I know are safe.. Praying god that everybody should be safe.. Though I know it is practically impossible.
Next day when I woke up and my mother told bomb blasts in 7 local trains of mumbai.
couldn't believe it.. How many lives are being affected? .. How many families are getting affected?

why there are too much of terrorism nowadays?

To our terrorist friend... I have few questions to ask u my dear pal..

I know dear pal you might not want to answer me.. Still ..

What do you want to prove by doing this? Do you think you can become god and take away the life of people?
do you know that there might be small kids in the train .. They may become a scientist, doctor , engineer , politician or even a terrorist like u..and u killed those poor little souls who didn't harm u?

I don't want to kill you or advice you .. Dear pal.. No certainly not..
If I feel like killing u then I should say u have succeeded in inculcating that poisonous seed in me.. and there will not be any difference between you and me..also unlike you I don't believe in terrorism as a solution

I just want to know .. r u doing it for religious sake? does your religion gives u permission to take away other's life.. I am sure.. No religion teaches this.. all religions tries to teach love....

What do u get by killing those poor souls?
Pleasure.. Money..Or something more..

what did they do you? What answers will you be able to give to those kids who lost their parents? Those siblings whose lost their siblings? Those people who lost their life partner? and all the more worst those poor old age people who lost their daughters and sons? Do u have a answer to that?

What solution does that bring to u?

I just want to ask you dear pal..
Have u ever laid on ur mom's lap?
Have your had a playful fight with ur siblings?
Have u ever watched the kids play or have u ever played with them?
Have u ever admired the nature?
You should have done it to know the pleasure of it dear pal..

What made you come to this decision?
is it ur poverty?
is it ur religious adamance?
is it ur anger towards society?
is it jealousy that forced u? or
is it ur unemployment?

do u ever regret of what u have done?
have u ever thought that u can also lead a normal life like us?
are u afraid to face the reality?

I don't want to punish you friend.. I don't want you to get punishment.
I just want to enjoy the simple pleasures of life..and the most important of all To live the life and let the others live. I just want to u to leave the hatred and start loving.

what made you a terrorist, pal? what made you.. we are here to listen and tell you "Don't worry, everything will be alright".. I know ur scars run deep into heart. .. come here to us and we are here to cure ur wounds.. and to love u and to accept you among us..

Love, the medicine of all wounds.. I believe it will cure our wounds and the wounds of our terrorist pals also so that future generations lives peacefully with out any hatred..


At 13 July, 2006 07:01, Blogger Naren said...

"Love, the medicine of all wounds.. I believe it will cure our wounds and the wounds of our terrorist pals also so that future generations lives peacefully with out any hatred"

Totally disagree!
Infact it is the blind love for his religion(or country or brethren!) that is the cause of terrorism!

At 13 July, 2006 21:55, Blogger Vetty Max said...

have u ever thought that u can also lead a normal life like us?

He is doing what he is doing because he was not allowed to live a normal life. Someone who indulges in terrorism can't be a rational person.

At 16 July, 2006 23:23, Blogger Padma said...

I'm not talking abt religious obsession . that is what u have mentioned. luv can never hurt anybody whether it is blind or deaf :-). as per most of the patriots would have been terrorists :-). what i am talking abt is pure luv. humane luv.
i am sure abt what u said. not necessarily that he was prohibited. and some of them are more rational thinkers than can we imagine. i just want to understand him. so i wanted to ask him such questions.

At 21 July, 2006 05:43, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

At 04 August, 2006 12:12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such a pity and love has never been found in any human ...i have encountered. Pad appears to be the modern christ as well as Gandhi.

If i had the power i wish to remove this blog...It is intolerable

Guess if she is able to find out about me and forgive me.

At 11 August, 2006 05:35, Blogger Padma said...

@anonymous 2
if u r arut. u know me right. it is not abt sympathy. it is empathy that's it


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