
Mixture of colours in my life mostly on the brighter side..

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ever wondered??!!!!!!

After a long pending wait and disappointment.. hurray blogspot is working..i was longing to share to sooooooo many things.. and waiting to read so many people's blogs.

I was really confused on what do i want from life or more precise in life..
sometimes i feel i have everything in this world to make me happy while sometimes i feel i don't have anything or i need everything..
sometimes i am very occupied and don't have time to do anything while sometimes i am so vetti that i have time for everything and anything..

Probably it may be the same for everybody.. i don't know..

From childhood i always wonder at human behaviour (Don't ask me whether i'm not a human being.. off course i'm and what i mean to say is fellow humans' behaviour) one common truth is nobody wants to hear the truth if it was unpleasant..and everybody wants to impress each other.. i sometimes simply wonder how can a simple matter reach you after going through various channels as a mroe complicated one..and nobody wants to be blamed off course there are some people who blames themselves and this u can never help neither can u help the previous one..
Many things of this sort. i really wonder about people while people always wonder whether i'll ever keep quiet.. :D
If you are wondering y I wrote such a blog about Human Psychology is just to publicise that i have bought M.Sc. psychology application for Distance learning in Madras university and again wondering whether will i join:D


At 01 August, 2006 18:58, Blogger Naren said...

You should be buying application for Philosophy not psychology!

At 09 August, 2006 00:46, Blogger nullity said...

confusingly clear......


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