
Mixture of colours in my life mostly on the brighter side..

Monday, July 17, 2006

Ginger eaten monkey

It all started very well. After breaking promises thrice for the last three weeks to take my friend to a film, I finally decided to keep it up this week. Saturday morning i called that theatre to find out tickets are available for " Golmaal weekly".
Hurray the guy told tickets are available for the noon show.
Thank god. Atleast this time i can keep up my promise. with the help of my passion (my bike) i got to get tickets. That fellow gave me two tickets FC (Rs 70. each) and me msged my friend "hey tmrw 12 noon show confirmed".
Memorable Sunday came finally and she came to my house. We left to theater by 11:45. Reached theatre by 11:55. Parked vehicle urgently. Didn't want to miss even a single scene u c. Gave the tickets to the person outside . After going inside we found that one of seats B13 was occupied. Me in my jeans T shirt did cat walking ( some thing similar to that meanwhile stamped atleast three guys feet:D) to te guys sitting there and in a very casual tone " this seat are ours and showed my tickets" that guy was cross referring with his tickets. they have been allotted B11 to 13. and we are confused. At that time i found out a pathetic truth. oh my god..U can't do this to me. The tickets i had was for saturday noon show.. [:(((((((((((((((] u can now imagine y i gave the title. and the guy ($##$$$$) started laughing at me. He must have thought me a fool.
We quickly vacated the place and went to fight in the ticket counter . That fellow asked what did u say. I said yesterday i came here to buy tickets in the coutner and asked for today's ticket. He started explaining me madam yesterday's today is yesterday that's y our staff must have given u ticket for yesterday.Me gritting my teeth. i meant today's today. that is i asked yesterday for tomorrow (sunday's) ticket. no luck he said sorry madam we can't do anything.
And alas! my 150 Rs got wasted... i didn't mind that too.. But the guy's laughter... me gritting again...


At 18 July, 2006 00:49, Blogger Naren said...

romba pesinde irundha ippadi daan aagum :P

At 21 July, 2006 05:43, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.


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